Shout outs, lots of links, and travel babbling

I’m coming out East next week for a very well-deserved holiday. I’m very much looking forward to visiting with old friends in Toronto, and getting reacquainted with my favorite city in North America, Montreal.

bagelMontreal is one of those cities that has pretty well everything I could ask for in a city: amazing food (bagels, stupidly cheap pizza slices, great coffee, massive, delectable sandwiches, and if you’re into it, smoked meat), beautiful, well-dressed folks, stunning architecture, beaucoup de français partout, and that beautiful joie de vivre of the French.

Needless to say, I can’t wait. I’m looking forward to seeing my Toronto friends, too, and visit some of my old haunts. And big city transit! God, I can’t wait to get back to a city that doesn’t punish those of us who refuse to drive. Winnipeg is a city where anything worth seeing is almost always a healthy bus ride away. Frankly, you’re also considered a bit of a dolt if you’re still riding the bus after you turn 16 here, too… which makes me the Machiavellian Prince of Idiots for not only still taking the bus at 31, but also being the proud non-owner of a driver’s license.

Of course, considering the fact that I’m allergic to alcohol, my friends always complain that I should get my license… being the perfect designated driver and all. But, I live to frustrate.

Anyway. Babbling tonight. Eyes like lead curtains. G’night.

P.S. (Keeping the dying art of the postscript alive.) I came to the realization a couple of days ago that I completely missed Chinese New Year’s. How the hell does someone completely forget about a holiday their family (nay, their race!) makes such a huge deal about? I think I’m working too much.


(some of these come better late than never. I am such a link slacker):

Salutations to the freshly baked, bloggy goodliness of Twisty Pants; squeeky clean design, with just a bit of salt for bite. || Another spotless Weblog belongs to fellow Canuck Dani. || Check out Lisa’s photography, stay for the well-written blog. || While you’re blog jumping, don’t forget to pay Sarah a visit. She lives in Edinburgh - a place I’ve never been, but Renée lived there for a while and swears it’s a bit of heaven.

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