All American Ads, and a magazine

This week’s Weekly roundup (again, I really have to think of a more Beatnik-esque name; I feel like such a hick when I say “roundup”) is split over two of my sites, more for proper categorization than anything. I’m funny that way.


Book: All-American Ads: 50’s

Edited by Jim Heinmann

This gi-normous tome (which weighs more than the Winnipeg yellow pages - I checked) clocks in at over 920 pages, contains over 1400 illustrations, and contains exactly what you would expect: ads. It contains pages and pages of gloriously nostalgic and entertaining fluff from the Atomic Age. I’m nearly swooning with the halcyon-ness of it all…

Lovingly assembled and digitally mastered, the pages of this book harken back to the days when cigarettes were still good for you and your sense of social well-being… when Pomade hair creme was still the doo-styling assistant of choice for discerning men, and when cars were cast from nothing but the stoutest American steel. This is the real deal, folks. If you love old stuff (as I admittedly do) or if you just looking for inspiration or a trip down ad-memory lane, pick this baby up. (With both hands - we wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself). German art book wunderkinds Taschen do it again, and for a reasonable price, too. (Don’t forget to check out the companion book of the series, All-American Ads: 40’s.)

Magazine: Dynamic Graphics

Magazine’s Web site:

If you’re at all interested in print and / or Web design and layout, you owe it to yourself and your career to check this magazine out. Head over to my freelance business site (under heavy resdesign at the moment) to the reBlog if this kind of thing tickles your fancy.

ISSN 1499-7894
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