Company Kilns and Kitty Psychology

As promised, I’ve stopped accepting participants for the Letter Project. Muchas gracias to everyone who signed up and/or linked to the project during the opening phase. I’ll be in contact soon with updates and details to those of you who expressed interest.

What have I been up to this week? Work, of course, plus some freelancing. More importantly, however, there’s been a return to relaxing and an injection of desperately needed vitality into the anemic social life. It feels great to finally have time to just be, as clichéd as that sounds. I received an e-mail from an old friend who’s coming to visit soon. In it, she expressed her eagerness at spending time with people who aren’t “baking their hearts in company kilns.”

Now that I have been released from the corporate life, I can safely say that I am my own man again. Having the freedom to decide how one’s day will unfold is a powerful thing. I am thankful.

Seeing as some of you fancy yourselves to be knowledgable in all things feline, help me with this distressing problem: what to do with a neurotic cat who sometimes decides to turn everyday objects (a futon, a blanket, a boot mat, a section of the floor) into an outlet for his internal angst? (Read: He peed on them.)

(Clarification for those who care: We’ve gotten him tested for internal glitches and all that came out okay, though he did have a bout of struvit crystals when we first got him four years ago. I’m positive that his erroneous emissions are the result of some Woody Allen-esque neuroses. Is there a cat shrink in the house?)

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