Chez Nous

Well, I just returned from completely confusing the poor Korean corner store clerk across the street from our apartment. It’s hard to switch out of French mode when you’ve been speaking it for over a week.

Yep, I’m back. It’s cool and almost fall-like in Winnipeg, which is nice compared to the sweltering humidity in Montreal. I hate it when it’s so muggy just the sensation of skin against linen is enough to turn on the sweat factory. By Wednesday I was nearly trying to contort my body into this strange, almost tantric position to try and avoid touching anything while sleeping. If I could have hovered, I would have.

Besides that, my brain is filled with francophone cultural delights, my belly sated with bagels, stupendous Mexican food, and yummy Quebe&#231ois brunches, and my thighs are toned, tanned, and mighty after walking nearly everywhere. I love pedestrian-friendly cities.

Pardon me while I get caught up on my e-mail and favorite Web sites. I’ll post some pictures from my trip soon. (You knew that was coming, didn’t you? I’m so predictable.)

P.S. Keeping the art of the postscript alive: this entry was created using Adriaan Tijsseling’s new Kung-Log. If you use Mac OS X and Movable Type, go check it out. It’s marvy.

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