G5-optimized Firefox 1.0.5 released

Looking for the G5-optimized nightly builds of Firefox? They be over here, yo.

firefoxWell, that was quick. Just a week after I finally got a G5-optimized build of the Firefox 1.0.4 release posted comes the release of Firefox 1.0.5. This will (hopefully) be the last official release from the Mozilla kith & kin before Firefox 1.1 makes an appearance “at the end of the summer” (says Firefox dude Asa Dotzler).

This also means that I can stop posting these Firefox updates and get back to posting about the quality of my boxer shorts, the cut of my jib, and other fascinating topics.

According to the, er, copious release notes (searches for a “sarcasm” tag) this update features:

  • An even dozen security fixes, detailed here if you want all of the gory details
  • Improvements to stability

That’s it. I believe this release is what they in the industry deem a “maintenance release”. It is still recommended for everyone to upgrade to because of the security fixes, and to facilitate that, I’m removing links to the previous versions. If for some really strange reason you require an earlier version, let me know and I’ll pull it off the shelf and give it a good dusting for you.

Without any further boringness, Download the G5-optimized Firefox 1.0.5 release (disabled) A newer version than this is now available.

As always, please post in the comments any declarations of love, seething hatred, or strange issues that you can’t reproduce in the official release. And keep in mind that while this works for me, it may not work for you. I’m also not responsible if it does something unexpectedly nasty on your system, goes off and dates your sister, or leaves a foul-smelling pile of unidentifiable ooze on your bedsheets.

Now back to your regularly scheduled weblog. Happy now, mom?

P.S. For those of you who want to attempt to build this yourself, you can use the same mozconfig that I used. At some point once I find the time I’ll post a step-by-step how-to. For now, the official Firefox build instructions is an excellent starting point, and there are lots of people much smarter than I on the Mozillazine forums.

Update (July 20): I have created a special BeatnikPad Mozilla / Firefox feed for those of you who are interested in just Firefox and other Mozilla-related updates. See how much I care?

For those of you who want the full BeatnikPad feed (which includes Firefox updates) you can use this feed instead. Enjoy!

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