Where I’m coming from

I hope everyone had a lovely Hallow’s Eve and are not already getting their eyes poked out by over-zealous retailers firing fake Christmas trees and garland all over the place. I noticed a couple of days ago that the big downtown mall in Toronto, Eaton Centre, already has their big-ass Christmas tree suspended high up in the air. It’s a glowing reminder to all who pass underneath that they are selfish bastards who should be spending their money on presents instead of another pair of gold-filigree denim jeans from Jakob.

That kind of pisses me off (the tree and not the denim, which makes my ass look absolute divine, thank you very much). As long as I can remember Halloween was the unspoken demarcation between the days of Not Christmas and the long run up to It’s Almost Christmas (So You Better Start Panicking And Buying Useless Shit For Your In-laws Immediately). No retailer dared pass this line without incurring the wrath of disgruntled parents and screaming in-laws the world over.

Now, it seems, the week before Halloween is fair game. Pretty soon we’ll have one week where there isn’t Christmas decorations up (between January 1st and 7th), and the rest of the time we’re going to be stuck listening to Feliz-fucking-Navidad and watching A Very Celine Dion Christmas until old age thankfully withers our eardrums and retinas. Frankly, I’m rather inflamed about the whole thing.


As usual, I’m keeping myself pretty busy, which has lead to another long and rather depressing lull in posting to this site. Besides all of the excitement and incredible popularity that my post about musicians who have weblogs generated (which, I have to say, was possibly one of the most half-assed entries I’ve ever posted here - who said effort equals results?) not much has been happening around here.

The reality is after working all day in front of a computer, the last thing I want to do in my spare time is, well, sit in front of the computer. Of course, I end up doing that anyway, but it’s mostly aimlessly clicking on links in NetNewsWire and hitting refresh over and over again on 5ives, hoping for a fleeting moment of mirth. I seriously have no clue how people like Frank or Khoi manage to write such consistently good entries.

On that note, this made me laugh so hard I think I sprained my kidneys. Ow.

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