Leslie Harpold

I was at work this morning when I read the news that Leslie Harpold had died. The news hit me like a washing machine through the chest; all at once bewildering and stunning.

Leslie’s web site was one of the first I remembering reading that truly made me feel the strength. intelligence, and character of the individual behind it. You couldn’t read her writing without feeling deeply inspired by just how fucking amazing her talent was. Her 500 is some of the best writing I’ve seen anywhere, online or otherwise.

I started this web site in part because reading her words made me itch and squirm and want to weave together a few of my own.

Everyone has a list of people that they’d love to meet, and Leslie was high on mine. I never got the chance, but I did exchange a number of emails with her around the time she started soliciting photos for more inspiration for her Harpold 500. She was funny, friendly, and shockingly gracious and generous with her time.

I’m not sure where I’m going with this entry, but I’ve been thinking about this all day and wanted to get it out of my system. All I know is that the world feels like a poorer, duller place today without Leslie Harpold in it.

I’ve reopened this entry a half dozen times, trying to think of a way to summarize how I felt about a person I barely knew and why it makes me so sad that they are gone. The irony is that for someone who crafted and inspired so many words I really haven’t found the right ones.

Others remember Leslie: Merlin, Dan, Kevin, Emily, Brad, Lia, Chris, Lance, and more.

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